Hey You: Caffeine Addict…..

Do you love your everyday - or many times a day - cup 'o joe?

Do you need some caffeine humor to get you through the day?

We found this great article: "17 Signs You're Addicted To Coffee" we thought you'd enjoy. Of course, we can always bring the "Warmth of Aloha" to you with our coffee and espresso catering in DC, MD and VA - so you - and everyone else - can get their caffeine fix as well.

From Spoon University:

Coffee is a right of passage for college students. Once you’ve had your first few cups, you get hooked. Coffee becomes a lifeline that we rely on for any chance of surviving 12 page papers and mid terms we may or may not be cramming for. Here are some signs that your relationship with coffee has become more serious than you think:

1. Human interaction before your first cup of coffee is your living hell.

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2. Your local Starbucks baristas don’t ask for your name anymore.  Extra points if they spell it correctly.


Photo by Paul Gale

3. You refuse to do any work before you have coffee in your bloodstream.

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To read the whole article, click here

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