Fruit Jokes for Smoothie Lovers

Have you heard that TikiTreats DC now offers smoothies in DC, MD and VA?

Did you know that our smoothies are 100% natural, all fresh fruit?

So we had to get everyone into the "fruity mood" by sharing some fun fruit jokes:

Peel away the layers of laughter with these very "ap-peel-ing" fruit jokes. It just may change the way you look at fruit.

Q: What fruit teases you a lot?

A: Ba!


Q: What happens to grapes when you step on them?

A: They wine!


Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?

A: Because it wasn't peeling well.


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Q: How does a ghost eat an apple?

A: By goblin it!


Q: Did you hear the joke about the peach?

A: It's pit-i-ful!


Q: Why were the strawberries so upset?

A: Because they were in a jam!

Actually those strawberries are in our smoothies too!


Q: Why aren't bananas ever lonely?

A: Because they come in bunches!


Q: What is a vampire's favourite fruit?

A: A neck-tarine!


Q: What do you call two banana peels?

A: A pair of slippers


Q: What is a navy officer's favorite fruit?

A: Naval oranges.


Q: What do you call a banana that likes to dance?

A: A banana shake!


Q: Why did my Mum say when she drank MY strawberry shake?

A: That was berry nice!!!!!!!!!


Q: Why did the guy get fired from the orange juice factory?

A: He couldn’t concentrate!


Q: Why did the orange stop at the top of the hill?

A: Because it ran out of juice!


Q: Why did the man get thrown out of the banana factory?

A: Because he kept throwing the bent ones out!


Q: What did the banana in the sun say to the other banana in the sun?

A: I don't know about you but I'm starting to peel!


Q: Why is History like a fruit cake?

A: Because it's full of dates!


Q: What is Dracula's favourite food?

A: Neck-tarines


Q: What is the most romantic fruit salad?

A: A date with a peach.


What joke is your favorite? Do you have a great fruit joke to share? Let us know!

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